Quality Education – Moral Values
National Education Day
On Thursday, the 2nd of May 2019, Taman Rama School together with the AsianIntercultural School Bali held a flag hoisting to commemorate the National Education Day.
It started at 7:45 A.M. and ended up at 8:30 A.M. The Senior High School’s students were responsible for the ceremony and the flag hoisters were Ajay, Adi and Owens, the reading of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 was done by Nando, while prayers were read by Riana and the commander was Gede.
For the choir, it was the responsibility of the Elementary Students. Ms. Susi was the speaker and read the speech from the Educational Minister. The speech’s message was about the reflection of all of our efforts in the educational field, and was a call for us to strive to build up a better education system. The theme for the National Education Day this year was “Strengthening the Education and Bringing Forward the Culture.”
Besides this, we need to show good willingness to work sincerely for education, strengthen our human resources and good conduct. After the flag hoisting ceremony the students returned to normal class.
by Maria Osmunda Eawea Monny